I’m super excited to bring you this episode. It is timely and relevant and provides amazing tips and advice for anyone who is interested in learning more about how to optimize their career search journey. My guest today is Jeremy Schifeling. Jeremy has devoted his career to helping others succeed in theirs. From teaching kindergarten in Brooklyn to recruiting top students at Teach For America to leading education marketing at LinkedIn, he’s touched the lives of millions of people at every stage of their journeys. Along the way, he’s published the best-selling LinkedIn book on Amazon, served as a career coach for military veterans at Shift.org and MBA students at the University of Michigan, and produced the most-viewed video in LinkedIn’s history. He currently leads marketing at Khan Academy and shares his thoughts on Break into Tech, a site for anyone who wants to launch a tech career.
If you are interested in learning about AI chat models like ChatGPT and how they can help you in your job search, or if you have no idea what ChatGPT is and you are now sort of curious, you are definitely going to want to listen to my conversation with Jeremy. And if you want to learn how to start using or improve your skills using LinkedIn, again, you definitely want to listen to this conversation. Our world continues to evolve and like it or not, technology continues to play an important role in just about everything we do. The job market is becoming more competitive than ever. Wouldn’t it be great if we knew how to tap into tools and tech that would give us an advantage when seeking a new job or career? I’m happy to report that my conversation with Jeremy will provide just that. In the next 30 or so minutes you’ll hear it straight from an expert regarding the power of LinkedIn and how to use AI to simplify and improve your career search process.
About Jeremy Schifeling
Jeremy Schifeling has devoted his career to helping others succeed in theirs. From teaching kindergarten in Brooklyn to recruiting top students at Teach For America to leading education marketing at LinkedIn, he’s touched the lives of millions of people at every stage of their journeys. Along the way, he’s published the best-selling LinkedIn book on Amazon, served as a career coach for military veterans at Shift.org and MBA students at the University of Michigan, and produced the most-viewed video in LinkedIn’s history. He currently leads marketing at Khan Academy and shares his thoughts on Break into Tech, a site for anyone who wants to launch a tech career.
Episode Highlights
- Jeremy’s journey through high school, college, and career
- An introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT
- Using ChatGPT for good
- AI is not the way to replace human experience in the process but to supplement it
- The importance of writing a good prompt for ChatGPT
- The data that AI chat models are trained on are from 2021 so time-sensitive answers may not be accurate
- The models will sometimes do “hallucinations” if it doesn’t have enough data
- OpenAI website is unsourced or uncited whereas Bingchat will give you citations
- Real-life prompt examples
- 35% of students and 60% of teachers are using AI chat
- ChatGPT can help job seekers find sample resume points and cover letters
- Jeremy’s FREE ProfileBot400 tool
- Why Jeremy co-authored the book: “Linked”
- Applicant tracking systems (ATS) are used by recruiters
- Students need to “understand the rules” and “win the game”
- Find out what the job requires and include those keywords
- Don’t be afraid to explore
- There are people on LinkedIn who would love to chat with you
- The human algorithm on LinkedIn is important in job searching
- A referral or good word increases your chance of being hired by 10X
- Generativity – the desire to make the world a better place for the next generation
- Jeremy’s opinion on personal brand
- Reverse engineer what your recruiter and future employer need from you
- Tips for parents to help their teens use LinkedIn as a tool
- LinkedIn is a genuinely open and accessible networking platform
- Make yourself more visible and desirable to employers on LinkedIn
- Jobscan.co is a website to help include relevant keywords for your resume and profile
- You have so much more control to shape your path than you realize
Links and Resources
“Linked: Conquer LinkedIn. Get your dream job. Own your future.” by Omar Garriott and Jeremy Schifeling