Ep 13: The Importance of 3D Learning and Immersive Education Environments with Jessica Roddenberry 

 January 9, 2020

Jessica is an architect by trade and is Director of Design at BRPH. Her diverse project experience includes education, aviation, aerospace, and entertainment. Simply stated, Jessica believes that her job is to bring people together, listen to their stories and then design spaces which narrate those stories. During our conversation, we talk about the importance of learning in 3D and providing immersive learning experiences for kids. Jessica also shares her insights and ideas related to community building in schools and the importance of teaching kids to fail. And you won’t want to miss Jessica’s story about her passion for design from a very young age and the a-ha moment when knew she had found her “people”.

About Jessica Roddenberry

Jessica is an architect by trade and is Director of Design at BRPH, located in central Florida.

Her diverse project experience includes education, aviation, aerospace,
and entertainment, among others. And with almost 20 years of educational design
experience, Jessica has developed a passion for creating environments that will
ensure students and trainees emerge from their programs with the technical,
critical-thinking and soft skills needed to be successful in the
rapidly-evolving, globally-connected workplace.

Simply stated, Jessica believes that her job is to bring people together, listen to their stories and then design spaces that narrate those stories.

I crossed paths with Jessica at a brainstorming session with my local school community in Seminole County. Jessica was one of the facilitators of the meeting.

Episode Highlights

  • Jessica’s Journey Through Storytelling
  • The Important Role of Architecture in Education
  • Building a Better Learning Environment Through Collaboration and Design
  • Using Career and Technical Education (CTE) as a Bridge
  • Encouraging Our Kids to Fail
  • Our Brains Think in 3D
  • Flexible Environments Create Resilient Kids
  • Jessica’s Perfect School Environment
  • Investing in Education for Return on Investment
  • Jessica’s Advice to Her Teenage Self


Email Jessica Roddenberry

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